Award-winning children’s author
As an Australian best-selling children’s author – I write stories for children to share with their grown-ups.
My award-winning children’s picture books and short stories connect with many.
I’m the CBCA 2022 Winner of Children’s Book of the Year – Early Childhood, the winner of the 2023 Aust Speech Pathology Book of the Year 5-8 yo’s for Jetty Jumping.
And I wrote the Notabled 2024 Picture Book of the Year – Early Childhood for In the Rockpool. which is the hero face of Australian Picture Books for the 2024 Bologna Children’s Book Fair.
In 2024 I have been awarded the May Gibbs Literature Trust fellowship for Creative Time. More writing ahead!
I hold a Bachelor of Arts in Media, and Post-Graduate in Crisis Communications, which means I am very good at sniffing out stories and am quite calm during re-writes!
My notebooks are overflowing with new characters, and exciting settings and smudged with story-fuelling Cherry Ripes.
Summer is my favourite state of being, beaches are my happy place and books are my forever friends. I write from my house with towering book piles, tucked in amongst the sand dunes of Bunurong Country on the the Mornington Peninsula.

My love of words has joined forces with my love of children’s books.
I joyfully write children’s books and there are the robust makings of a YA novel currently taking shape too.
Jetty Jumping, illustrated by Hannah Sommerville, and published by Hardie Grant, was released in January 2021. It won the 2022 CBCA Children’s Picture Book of the year – Early Childhood. Thanks for loving it Australia!
Sunday Skating and In the Rockpool, were again illustrated by the most talented Hannah Sommerville and published by Hardie Grant.
In the Rockpool was awarded the 2024 CBCA Notable Picture book of the Year – Early Childhood.
We have several more on the way between 2024 – 2026!
I have appeared in several anthologies and collections, I’m the winner of the 2020 Hal Porter Short Story Award, 2023 Mulga Bill Writing Award and Highly Commended for 2024 Mulga Bill Writing Award
I write books for children, and books for grown-ups to love too. There’s a few other stories floating in the book-osphere waiting to land as well.

Jetty Jumping reaches a record sales milestone
Dear readers, and booksellers, and educators, and librarians thank you! Thank you!!! Over 30,000 copies of our book have been sold. That's is absolutely incredible. I remember when I was happy to learn of my FIRST reprint!! Hannah Sommerville and I are...
Proud to be a Big Summer Read ambassador
This library kid is thrilled to have grown up to become a library ambassador. The Big Summer Read is here, and I am super-dooper chuffed to be one of its 12 ambassadors. This free program challenges kids to read all summer long, running from December 1 to January...
Amid the Sand Dunes officially launched for little readers
Amid the Sand Dunes is launched for little reader story times and book love Illustrator Hannah Sommerville and I whooshed, whizzed, cooeed & rolled through our AMID THE SAND DUNES storytime launch with a bunch of beaut kids - and we were joined by the first...
Amid the Sand Dunes book launch
We are all set for a sandy story time this summer this a brand new book! Come come join the Book Launch fun for our brand new picture book, Amid the Sand Dunes. Illustrator Extraordinaire Hannah Sommerville and I have teamed up once again, along with our publishing...
Proud to be a Books in Homes Role Model
Not every family has access to books. Not every home can afford to purchase new stories for young readers. That's why Books In Homes is such a valued foundation for Australia, and I am delighted to be a supporting them. Books in Homes® is a charitable...
Proud to be a Readings Books affiliate author
There are bookstores ... and then there are book selling institutions that feel like home. Readings has always been one of those places for me. A bookstore that genuinely adores books, and has reader's experiences front of mind. A bookstore that champions storytellers...
Hannah Sommerville and Andrea Rowe together at Bendigo Writers Festival
Bendigo - we're headed your way! Hannah Sommerville and I are hitting the road together and headed to a festival. For the FIRST time ever! We can't wait to be a part of the fabulous Creative Kids fun at Bendigo Writers Festival this August as Hannah...
In the news, and up for chats
Interviews, podcasts, brain picks and natters There's nothing better than getting back behind the microphone (I did start out in radio after all) and sharing why picture books resonate, what techniques I apply as a write, and tips for others venturing into...
Amid the Sand Dunes cover reveal
AMID THE SAND DUNES cover reveal So very excited to share the vibrant cover of our new board book AMID THE SAND DUNES We’re back! And this time we’re wandering the sand dunes. Hannah Sommerville and I are thrilled to share the cover of our next picture book together,...
Send your kids packing (to writers camp with me!)
If you've got children in your life who love to create stories, and are keen to explore creative processes, then I'd love to help them. Send them packing to Portsea Children's Camp in the September school holidays for two fun-filled days with like-minded new...
In the Rockpool swims into Bologna Children’s Book Fair
I'm never going to get to represent Australia in the Olympics, but this feels pretty close to it for me (minus the tracksuits and excessive sweating!) Hannah Sommerville and I are thrilled to share that In the Rockpool has been selected as the hero book for the...
Little Hare Prize winner announced for a new picture book
I'm all kinds of swirling-twirling thrilled to share this news. Beyond excited for this joyful news. Tess Moh has been announced as the winning illustrator for the Little Hare Prize, and together we’re making The Everyday Tutu a truly gorgeous book with Hardie Grant...
Hitch your reading wagon onto the Clunes Booktown Festival
There's a certain scent in the air when you approach Clunes each March ... it's the smell of books, beautiful books. And the sound? The air is filled with the soft riffle of pages, the gasps, laughs, and tissue sniffling as storytellers share, and the exclamation...
In the Rockpool announced as Notable for 2024 CBCA Book of the Year
What a wonderful honour! In the Rockpool has been awarded the 2024 Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year - Early Child Notable honour. We knew that Australian families and educators were enjoying the book, and the Notable is the icing on the cake. ...
In the Rockpool teaching and library resources
On the hunt for counting companion activities for early childhood and prep children? Here's resources to match my In the Rockpool board book. After a quick fix of activities to match my new book In the Rockpool, illustrated by Hannah Sommerville? Ramble this...
The rather full 2023 wrap up
Whoa! 2023 you sure were an action-packed, all-happening year! I have just tallied up my own year of special things and thought you’d be interested to know what went on from my end, and just what I got up to. I’ve always been a number cruncher and data...
In the rockpool book launch
In the rockpool is offically launched Goodness me Rye Preschool, of all the kindergarten rock pools in all of the world, I wandered into yours on book launch day. And what a superb surprise seaside party you threw! How lucky am I? We sang, we counted, we...
2023 Book of the year winners
A most special honour. Jetty Jumping has been awarded the 2023 Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year (5-8yrs) for contributions to language & literacy development.That’s all Hannah Sommerville and I can ask for, that together we created a valued book that...
A new book thanks to the Little Hare Prize
I'm all kinds of swirling-twirling thrilled to share this news. Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing has announced that the Little Hare Illustration Prize is returning in October 2023. Awarded biennially, the prize is open to aspiring picture-book artists across...
In the Rockpool cover reveal
IN THE ROCKPOOL cover reveal So very excited to share the vibrant cover of our new board book IN THE ROCKPOOL. From the depth of my water-loving heart, thanks to Hannah Sommerville and Hardie Grant Books … this little book glints in the sunshiney, seashore light. In...