Wellness Pavilion Advisory Committee


Communications Strategy, Prospectus copywriting and funding submission copywriting and editing



Rosebud Secondary College is the leading provider of secondary education the Southern Peninsula.

The College is a dynamic environment and had experienced some incidents of depression, self-harm and suicides in 2013 which had an enormous impact upon the school, families, friends, staff and the entire community.

With these traumatic incidents and escalating anxieties amongst youth in mind, Rosebud Secondary College endeavoured in 2015 to explore the development of a quality, purpose-built facility to offer a quiet space for youth to reflect, learn mindfulness techniques and seek connections and support.

Wellness Pavilion will provide both a physical place and emotional space for students, teaching staff, families and the community to address life’s challenges, nurture personal resilience and encourage growth.

I was tasked with delivering a strategic communications plan, develop copywriting and speechwriting to articulate the vision and assist in a strategic communications’ advisory role. I coordinated a workshop with key students to ensure we used language they were comfortable and connected with, and prepared key documents to eb submitted to the Minister for Health, Minister for Education, local members of Parliament and council. I was also instrumental in engaging with key opinion leaders to seek their endorsement in written documents and at a public fundraising event, The Mindfulness Festival.

My role was funded by the Rotary Club of Rye-Rosebud, which also called for ongoing committee meeting attendance, reporting and project management of other sub-contractors.



  • Funding and community prospectus
  • Media information pack
  • Communications strategy
  • Grant applications
  • Speeches
  • State-wide media including Herald Sun
  • Event management




“I have no hesitation in voicing my appreciation of and admiration for the work Andrea did for our major community funding project.

Andrea was brought into the project to focus our communications with the broader community, and to guide us in ensuring we engaged everyone with the value of the project and how individuals and businesses can contribute.

Andrea’s enthusiasm and strong work ethic have contributed to the effective delivery of all the outcomes. Andrea then spread our communications and links up the right people who are in a position to make an impact.” 

– Geoff Seletto, Assistant Principal, Rosebud Secondary College



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