Amid the Sand Dunes receives a 2025 CBCA Notable

Amid the Sand Dunes receives a 2025 CBCA Notable

Well, I can honestly say, the thrill of stickering your book never gets old!   The CBCA Notables are a long-listing for the Book of the year. As we celebrate 80 years of our beloved  Children’s Book Council of Australia this year, it’s an absolute thrill to...
Jetty Jumping reaches a record sales milestone

Jetty Jumping reaches a record sales milestone

  Dear readers, and booksellers, and educators, and librarians thank you! Thank you!!!   Over 30,000 copies of our book have been sold. That’s is absolutely incredible. I remember when I was happy to learn of my FIRST reprint!!    Hannah Sommerville and I are...
Proud to be a Big Summer Read ambassador

Proud to be a Big Summer Read ambassador

This library kid is thrilled to have grown up to become a library ambassador.   The Big Summer Read is here, and I am super-dooper chuffed to be one of its 12 ambassadors.   This free program challenges kids to read all summer long, running from December 1 to January...
Amid the Sand Dunes officially launched for little readers

Amid the Sand Dunes officially launched for little readers

Amid the Sand Dunes is launched for little reader story times and book love  Illustrator Hannah Sommerville and I whooshed, whizzed, cooeed & rolled through our AMID THE SAND DUNES storytime launch with a bunch of beaut kids  – and we were joined by the ...
Amid the Sand Dunes book launch

Amid the Sand Dunes book launch

We are all set for a sandy story time this summer this a brand new book!  Come come join the Book Launch fun for our brand new picture book, Amid the Sand Dunes. Illustrator Extraordinaire Hannah Sommerville and I have teamed up once again, along with our publishing...

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