Time to write:
While lockdown and restrictions during COVID times have turned life upside down for us all, it’s also brought some reflective writing to my desk.
Spending more time with my home-schooling tribe has meant I’m also more in tune with different conversations and ideas.
And the sentiment of our times means that creatives like me are all channelling big emotions and thoughts into writing projects.
I’ve been tinkering around the edges on some lovely new children’s picture book manuscripts, testing what feels right.
I’ve given space for new voices and stories to emerge.
I set myself new challenges

Flash fiction
Every day I wrote a Flash Fiction short story, also known as Microfictions. These are short stories with a tiny word count that set a scene, introduce characters, and place and tell an entire story in word counts of from as little as 6 to 300.
Microfiction prompts are mighty popular.

Microfiction competition writing
I joined in Twitter Flash Fictions feeds with Writers Victoria, hopped aboard the Queenscliffe Literary Festival Microfiction boat, and took part in daily prompts with Peninsula Writers Club.
I loved exercising my micro fiction writing muscles and managed to write flash fiction for 170 days straight just for the fun of it. Some of those stories made it to the winnings and special mention virtual podium with Writers Victoria, Queenscliffe Literary Festival and Write From the Heart Microfiction.
The writing pile has grown
I’ve now got a fascinating file of short-story and manuscript starters to evolve.
This was such a worthy exercise.
Flash fiction is a super way to light the storytelling flames.
Happy writing,