G’day from the masked copywriter
In recent weeks Victoria took to the new COVUD safe requirements of mask wearing with all the farrrrshun swooning of New York City runway. (Except that our passports are locked down in Melbourne!)
Because I’m immune compromised with Rheumatoid Arthritis I was ahead of the trend and wearing them since mid-March when out about. (Ah remember those days? When were able to swan about beyond 5km radius for more than an hour?)
We are #Allinthistogether down here in Victoria for stage 4 lockdown.
I’ve watched fellow southerners embrace the face mask, and I’ve taken on their tips and tricks for getting used to them.
Here’s what I’ve learnt so far:

Wash your mask after every outing

Add 2 -3 essential drops to your mask for a soothing smell (I like oils with titles like Harmony and Balance)

Don’t have a tonne of garlic in meals – it’s a good mood killed breathing back your own garlic breath

If you aren’t a block colour kind of person (I’m not) then choose fun and fab fabric online. Or if Australia Post taking it’s time getting to your place, repurpose old shirts and quirky linen you’ve been saving for a rainy day or just can’t throw out. T-shirt material and worn fabric feels better on your face – just make sure you can’t see through it, and you use 3 layers.

Launder masks in linen bags - if they have nose wire it prevents them from breaking

Place a basket at your door, where you usually keep the keys and wallet to pile your masks in it (you might not need those keys for a while given we ‘re home confined!) to remember take one as your leave the house for your daily walk.

If you use disposable masks, bin them securely. It’s breaking my heart how many I am seeing lying around streets and washed up on the beach. A whole new pollution dilemma.

Glasses fogging up? I have tried everything! I am still challenged. But the best outcome is to place your glasses over the bridge of your nose where you mask is. It seems to steam less there.

Clean your glasses daily to improve sight when shopping, or ditch them and squint through the groceries. You may surprise yourself with a few exotic treats when you get home.

Here’s to adapting and staying safe in these makes times.
How have you coped you with embracing the masked life?