Congratulations Cooma North Public School! 


Cooma North Public School just made the most incredible splash on the national stage, and into our hearts!

These talented students have just won the Wakakirri National Story Award for their interpretation of JETTY JUMPING.


Wakakirri Festival is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools.


Hannah Sommerville and I could not be more proud! We are bursting with joy and so grateful to these young performers and production helpers and teachers for bringing Milla and her friends, and the under Jetty world to life in a new medium.

I feel like Jetty Jumping is doing exactly what it should right now. Helping share messages of what we must protect and the wonders of our ocean. This is exactly what I talk about when I do author talks as well, only I could never dance it!

What a wonderful performance – a joy to watch! Thank you for taking Jetty Jumping into your dancing hearts too!







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