Cheers and tears as we open up

Cheers and tears as we open up

Lockdown freedom calling   I’m not sure about you but the moment we heard the news ‘We are opening’ I felt an electricity surge within me. The thought that the self-isolation prison gates had been thrown open for us to re-enter the world thrilled me with a...
My Pandemic Playbook

My Pandemic Playbook

My Pandemic Playbook Ah, there’s nothing like a global pandemic to force a few new habits and learnings upon you.   Did you find yourself forming COVID coping activities? It impressed me no end how folks took on new challenges and distractions. I got up to...
Pandemic Writing

Pandemic Writing

Writing through isolation There’s nothing like a pandemic to channel story voices and concepts. The writing flood gates have opened. I’ve spent 8 months blending copywriting projects with creative writing expressions and submitting them to competitions,...
How I rode the corona coaster

How I rode the corona coaster

Well, that was some Coronacoaster ride I know I’m not alone in the pursuit of finding my balance when the world tilts.  It’s become quite the focus for so many of us during COVID times. While you’d think a copywriter with her own home-based business...
Storytime online

Storytime online

Old school storytime online: I don’t know about you, but I’ve missed library time, and book reading to small ones. I have some special little folks that I often read to, just to enjoy exploring books with them, or peering around the aisles at bookstores and libraries...
The masked copywriter

The masked copywriter

G’day from the masked copywriter In recent weeks Victoria took to the new COVUD safe requirements of mask wearing with all the farrrrshun swooning of New York City runway. (Except that our passports are locked down in Melbourne!) Because I’m immune compromised...

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