The masked copywriter

The masked copywriter

G’day from the masked copywriter In recent weeks Victoria took to the new COVUD safe requirements of mask wearing with all the farrrrshun swooning of New York City runway. (Except that our passports are locked down in Melbourne!) Because I’m immune compromised...
Walking towards words to acknowledge our traditional owners

Walking towards words to acknowledge our traditional owners

From little things, big things grow Last year my family and I took a road trip, a pilgrimage.   We had some unfinished outback business to attend to. There was sacred ground to stand on in the birthplace of aboriginal land rights.  We dragged our teen and tween...
52 stories of kindness

52 stories of kindness

I’ve recently appeared in the pages of a book I didn’t write Rather, it was a book written about me, and 51 fabulous other humans who have visions to make a difference in the lives of others I’m pretty humbled by that. These people truly make a...
CopyCon tips and takeaways for not for profits

CopyCon tips and takeaways for not for profits

CopyCon 19 served up helpful tips and takeaways for not for profits to learn from   2 days. 22 speakers and a room of 160 clever copywriters who are taking their content writing to the next level.  Australia’s only dedicated conference for copywriters was back...
I Marie Kondo’d my business and home

I Marie Kondo’d my business and home

Hello, is it me you’re looking for? In the last 12 months, I’ve spent a lot of time hauling boxes and rearranging the furniture. In my year of the makeover, I’ve built and moved home and changed my business name and my website. Mine isn’t an uncommon story....
Author! Author!

Author! Author!

It’s with a happy heart that I share a little squeal of news I’m pretty chuffed to announce that Little Hare will be publishing my children’s book JETTY JUMPING, illustrated by the talented Hannah Sommerville. Little Hare is an imprint of Hardie Grant...

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