by Andrea Rowe | Sep 27, 2014
Border Crossings. Tricky things. Usually involving passports, declaration forms and sweaty uniformed officers asking about your employment. Crossing into Western Australia is an entirely different matter. They are peering in eskies and under the camper trailer cover...
by Andrea Rowe | Sep 26, 2014
We fuel up on Katherine and travel west towards the Victoria River region. Expecting a boring drive, we find ourselves loving the drive through the Judbarra / Gregory National Park. It’s 13, 000 square km’s of amazing land-forms, towering sandstone pillars and...
by Andrea Rowe | Sep 22, 2014
War time and waterfalls. The two images, and experiences couldn’t be more far apart. And yet here in the Northern Territory we are spending time at both. We swing by Adelaide River to round off our Australian war time history appreciation. From 1939, with...
by Andrea Rowe | Sep 21, 2014
Tonight we have one final dinner with family to enjoy, one more frogs in the shower count to complete, and a last minute horse ride for Little Miss Squid who so wants to be a cow girl. We’re reflecting on our Northern Territory time and what we have learnt:- NT stands...
by Andrea Rowe | Sep 21, 2014
Today we are throwing the guide book out the window. We are going with the flow. Up the track a bit, and towards some unexpected insights into Territory living.But first … to Batchelor and its reinvention On the way to Litchfield NP is Batchelor. We’re stopping...
by Andrea Rowe | Sep 19, 2014
On the outskirts of Darwin where the Stuart Highway meets the Arnhem Highway is the town of Humpty Doo. And beyond that Noonamah. It’s all mango farms, buffalo horns on gates and freight containers passing for homes in large paddocks. We are staying with my cousin...