Grab a cuppa, have a read
I share tips and thoughts on copywriting, communications and campaigns worth learning from, community and how we connect, and my book and travel love. From time to time I raise my head from the trenches of motherhood to write about that too.
Sweet secrets of a sugar cane factory
When I was a kid I had a book called “Tiger’s Milk”. Can’t recall what the junior novel was about but I do recall that Tiger’s Milk was the name for molasses and milk that the young hero in the book craved. Somewhere along the way, I had the chance to try Tiger’s Milk for […]
1770 – Cap’n Cook was here and so were we
When you are on the road ‘Would you kids please clean your room’ is easily swapped for “Would you please write in your diary?” And after comparing notes with others, I’m not alone in this fish-wife nagging.
Get off the grid on Fraser Island
Don’t come to Fraser Island expecting good mobile reception, or a leisurely Sunday drive. Do come however, for a total wilderness sand island experience, where you get off the grid and off the beaten track!
A little eco-luxury with our view please
We’re no strangers to Fraser Island. It’s the third time here for The Skipper, the second for me, and it’s a whole new world of adventure about to open up for the Squids as we explore the world’s largest sand island. It’s a first however, for us all to sink our heads onto the […]
Life in the Go Slow Lane in Scott’s Head
Melbourne to Sydney in one run….quick overnight stop…then hightailing it straight up to the NSW Coast to the sleepy surf town of Scotts Head. We are no stranger to this no-shoes, no shirt hamlet…it’s an annual winter pilgrimage destination for us, and other peninsula mates.
The almost accurate Ned Kelly story
What bettter a place for a peaceful family picnic than the site of the capture and arrest of Ned Kelly (known as the siege of Glenrowan in 1880)…which is just a few hundred clicks from Melbourne on the Hume Highway.
Off and travelling with BoundRound
There’s no fanfare, tickertape parade or marching girls as we drive out of Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula on the start of our adventures. Instead there’s howling winds, hail and bitter cold as we wrestle the last of our furniture into storage and send victorious text messages to friends!
Getting a handle on your hashtags
If you are just starting out in hashtag-land, chances are you are feeling a tad overwhelmed. The # symbol is called a hashtag and it can actually be used across several social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and search engines.
Distance Education saves our schooling sanity
We’ve just ticked a major to-do task off the list. We met the teachers who would become our support crew for the next 6 months.
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Writer Susan Sontag once wrote “I haven’t been everywhere but it’s on my list” and I’m following closely behind her as I embark on a 6 mth trip around Australia
How to get a handle on hashtags
If you are just starting out in hashtag-land, chances are you are feeling a tad overwhelmed. The # symbol is called a hashtag and it can actually be used across several social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and search engines.
Checking in on copyright free images
Feeling confused about where to check in on copyright and creative commons license? Online curation is still evolving, and we ain’t in Kansas anymore Toto when it comes to checking in on copyright free images!
Get your Social Media groove on Workshop
SAVE THIS DATE : FRIDAY 13TH JUNE, 2014 Dipped your business toe into social media but feeling overwhelmed as to what to do next? Confused by all the talk of status updates, hashtags, handles and follows and just want someone to tell you what it all means in plain English?
Mornington Peninsula author launches environmental cleaning book
A new book written to promote healthier, home-made cleaning alternatives and increase awareness of the dangers of using chemical cleaning products has been launched on the Mornington Peninsula.
Two Kids and a Camper around Australia
So the time has come to reveal some secret Coastwriter plans …together with The Skipper and the Squids I am hitting the road. The Coastwriter Blog is about to be coated in the dust of Two Kids and a Camper posts!
A copywriter needs more than a pen
Someone once suggested to me that a copywriter must have the smallest tool box in the world – all they need is a pen and a piece of paper. I beg to differ.
The legacy of Luke Batty
I think I would have liked Luke Batty. He had chutzpah. He had cheek. He lived up the road a bit and did similar things after-school as my brood. I would have liked Luke Batty – a lemon juggling, banana eating larrikin who loved to post you-tube snippets and joke with his mum. His […]
Writing words of love on Valentine’s Day
How to find the right words of love to fire cupid’s bow I’m not a big wrap for Valentine’s Day. The Skipper though once was, as he proposed to me on February 14th and promptly retired from all romantic gestures after said event.
Random stuff about the Coast Writer
As the Coast Writer I help tell other people’s stories . . . and now I lift the tupperware lid on mine. When I was 15 I entertained the idea of becoming a star of the stage and screen. I say entertained the idea, the audience… not so much.
Grammar lesson from a 9 year old
Today my primary-schooler issued his copywriting mum with an Epic Fail grading when it came to grammar. I’m a tad embarrassed as it’s something I should have known. That’s the problem with thinking you know it all in the word-nerd stakes, it can back-fire. The Junior Scribbler and I were having a natter about Homophones. […]
The summer of my childhood
I have just given my kids the summer of my childhood. The summer that sets the scene for all other summer’s to fall obediently in behind it. The pace, the usual suspects, the melancholic flow, the location . . . the perfect formula all now laid out before them for summers to come. And all […]
Yoga’s better beach-side
Respected peninsula yoga consultant Jan Winslade is offering a blissful beach yoga program every Saturday and Sunday morning throughout Summer at Mt Martha.
Peninsula whole food business wins green award
Peninsula on-line health food distributor, Bulk Whole Foods has been recognized for its green industry commitment and contribution at a national award ceremony in Sydney last month.
Interactive app helps kids think positively
Mornington Peninsula children’s author and Illustrator Julie Davey has launched a new mobile app encouraging positive approaches to problem solving and goal setting in young children.
It’s International Talk like a Pirate Day
Well scrape the barnacles off me rudder, it’s me fav day of the year! International Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19th.
Wave a hankie to the Tall Ships
Tales of ocean yoyages and the romance of coastal passages have been captivating people for hundreds of years.
70 years of technology
It is my father’s 70th birthday this month . . . a milestone to celebrate, and an era through which communication and entertainment tools have evolved in leaps and gigabytes.
Ahoy there clickable hashtags
Today we have breaking news from the House of Zuckerberg. Conversations will now become a little more discoverable (if you wish), with the announcement that Facebook are finally introducing a long-missing feature to the News feeds…..clickable hashtags.
Drink tea. Read Coastwriter blog.
Pop the kettle on, make yourself a cuppa and catch up with the Coast Writer. I’m a creative copywriter, content crafter and strategic freelance communicator who loves to share!